Considering that free flying or paragliding as one of the purest form of freedom, i could not but write the following:
Money makes the world go round.
In the world paragliding community, and over the years, we all
encounter some incredible conscienceless pilots that will eventually
lead the in-experienced new comers to very bad experiences, to say the
least …Intended or not.
Selling their top performer old para
gliders or dysfunctional free flight articles to new pilots without even
caring to properly explain the limits of their usability, as if those
poor souls don’t have any meanings in their in-satiate minds!
Knowing that our areal sport is to be taken with care, and
understanding, I always wondered how is it possible to ignite their
conscience space?
Not to mention the ferocity brand ‘flag
holders’ that engages the wildest fights for their heart and mind
obsession, letting us wonder sometimes if they could be 'brand' blood
related …
Couldn’t still imagine how irresponsible some pilots would act, sharing the sky without any guilt.
Up there in the sky, pilots are gravity free equals…
Each one individually can have his best or worst moments.
I thought of sharing humbly those little insights:
-All brands are equally and safely comparable if EN certified.
-Don’t get lost…It’s a big business and lots of marketing…To me it looks like a woman’s make up.
-Some can turn quicker or just feel slightly more comfortable. Some
having a slight edge in climb or +3 to 4 km speed (In a same Category)
But that’s just it. It all depends on the pilots taste.
-For a pilot
flying (less than 80 hours/year) .It is definitely NOT the higher rated
glider that will make him go further…It is ‘only’ his skills when used
A low airtime-flying pilot could find a slight advantage
in weak conditions under a high-end glider but will be totally
handicapped in strong conditions.
The same low airtime-flying pilot
will work slightly harder on his trusty B glider in weak conditions
(Improving his skills) But will find himself totally confident in strong
conditions enabling him to go further!
-For non-competition pilots flying (less than 100 hours/year)
Nowadays high-end B gliders have enough performances to reach some
impressive XC records. Humility toward nature is deliverance…!
-Don’t buy any used wing unless you know the exact history or it’s control sheet!
-All reserve must be checked every 6 months, if you want them to open as quickly as you did invest.
-Repack your reserve with a professional! Latest testing of the
rescue opening in a French magazine showed a 6/10 of the reserves don’t
actually open!
-Have to practice safe descent techniques in order to use them when needed.
-Always kite your glider in a safe 15-25km/h wind ‘with a helmet’ (Even if you have +3000 h)
What you will experience when kiting on the ground and correcting it,
will be a relatively similar experience of control in the air.
-Always fly with a helmet!
-Always connect your accelerator bar!
-Watch your rescue pin if sealed before each take off !
-Control your leg straps before take off (Today pilots use their mobiles on take offs several times before airborne … ! )
-A certified back protection is a must! (Believe me!)
-Always fly in your limits (Not that of your pro friends)
And try to make the ‘wisest' decision rather than the boldest one.
Remembering the old saying: Better to be on the ground hoping to fly, rather than being on the air hoping to land.
After all ...No flying ? ...Bad weather... You can watch some videos on :
Or read some reviews: :-)
or :-)
Fly safe !
Warriors of the light ! ;-)