Niviuk Ikuma 3 size 24/ range 75-95
Friday, December 29, 2023
Niviuk Ikuma 3 size 24/ range 75-95
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Mac Para Verve 23
Thursday, November 9, 2023
NOVA Codex S 80-100 / 105
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Ozone Forza 2 M size
Harness comparison ( Update)
Test flying harnesses are the most difficult and sometimes highly inaccurate, as each individual even with the same height and weight shares a completely different anatomy. This test is to get a 50 % idea of what to expect, and it is more important to test-fly a harness than it is to test-fly a paraglider. Testing harnesses consist of sitting in a harness for more than 20 minutes if you can, adjusting it, and feeling if there are any hard points on your body. Then a flight could give you a higher idea of the roll feedback you wish to receive and cope with.
As harnesses are a very personal choice for each individual for roll, and especially for body comfort, this pre-test before buying is very important as it will surely maximize your future flights and acheive your expected potential with no stress on your sitting position or leg support concentrating on the task ahead. Any pilot can cope with any of the above harnesses in roll. It is only a matter of training and getting used to it.
Please consider that a moderately stable harness that combines stability and a pleasurable roll feel, is very different for each individual from a 15 to an 85-year-old pilot. Finding your own “balance" will also reduce energy consumption while keeping the lovely flying spices!

Happy and safe flights.
Most comfortable seated harness. As 1 being most comfortable “ONLY for the seating position”.
1-Impress 4 / Impress 3 /Lightness 2/3
2-Forza 2 / Arrow / Nearbird Vibe
3-Genie Race 2 / Exoceat/ Genie race 4/ Genie light 3 / Delight 4 /Submarine
4-X-Rated 6 / Genie Race 3 / Genie lite 2 / Gin X-Alps/ Woody Valley GTO 2
5- Woody Valley GTO 1
Most comfortable in roll (In roll stability ). As 1 being most comfortable.
1-Ozone Exoceat/ Delight 4/ Delight 3/ Arrow/ Forza 2
2-Genie Light 1 / WV GTO 1 / Forza 1 / Gin X-Alps / Nearbirds Vibe X-Rated 6 XL / Genie Race 3 /Genie race 4
3-Impress 2 + / Genie lite 2/ Ozium 2/ Lightness 3 /Genie light 3
4-Genie Race 2 / Ozium 1/
5-Impress 3/ Lightness 2
Harnesses that deliver a naturally supported leg in the pod.
—— Exocet / Forza 1/ Impress 3 / Lightness 1/2/3 /Nearbirds Vibe/ Arrow M & L / Forza 2/ Delight 4 /Submarine
Conclusion: Manufacturers are trying to deliver more easy-to-fly and stable harnesses for the majority with better leg support and a two-rescue option.
The Nearbirds Vibe is a complete harness that fulfills those criteria while being comfortable. As a semi-light harness, I prefer the NK Arrow for its versatility, ease of use, and beautiful shape. I will be receiving an Airy Vibe to test fly…
I am also waiting for the Forza 2 L size to get a much better idea and feel, to decide if I am going to keep it as an X-rated 6 replacement harness or not… as I need to fly a slightly heavy harness for my tests (+,-) 7 kg.
Friday, October 13, 2023
PHI Scala 2 19 - 75-100
cala 2 is created to glide, and the promise is reel.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Ozone Zeolite 2 GT. MS
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Saturday, September 16, 2023
MacPara Illusion 2 size 24 70-90
The Illusion 2 is a lightweight low EN-B from MacPara.
I flew the Illusion 2 with the Niviuk Arrow harness at 85 all up.
Pulling on the A risers launches the Illusion 2 smoothly even in nil wind. In the stronger breeze, it rises calmly and stays above the pilot's head. Take off with 85 all up on this size is ideal.
The brake travel is moderate to short with a quick reaction to turn the glider but still very forgiving if pulled further. The pressure is moderate to firm allowing a good connectivity for that level.
I flew in some strong turbulent air, and I was test-flying also the Ion 7 and the Buzz Z7. I think Illusion 2 seems calmer in all the pitch movements. In strong air, the Illusion 2 stays locked above the pilot's head with little brake applied. The roll is moderate and resembles the Ion 7 and the Z7.
For that class, all those gliders have lots of performance to offer especially when going into the airmass. The Illusion 2 as a low B is a good contender and is quite competitive in the way it enters the airmass and moves forward. As a low B, it is certainly slow to enter and to move, but still, it does the job very well. Further smaller details in the B comparison shortly.
Turning into thermals with the Illusion 2 is especially made for that class of pilots without too much dynamics, but still agile enough to turn tight every core, without missing it. The speed travel delivers around 11 km/h and still with a good glide angle. On one flight, I was pinned by a south wind and needed to push the full speed in order to move forward. I was surprised that after 10 km of full bar, the Illusion 2 kept on its rail, and got me slowly and smoothly to the other side of the mountain. I think nowadays, all those low B’s are very competitive, and they deliver a surprisingly high amount of performance for the newcomers to the sport, or even for the pilots who just want to fly for fun stepping down from a higher-rated glider.
The Illusion 2 can be slowed quite well to land in tight small places. Ears are stable, get you down around 2.5 or 3m/s if pulled higher, and reopen without pilot intervention.
A light but reliable companion, for flying in big mountains. No stress, cool reactions, forgiving, and nice brake authority. Good overall performance to get the job done. I don’t know why, but after flying Illusion 2 I keep thinking of my lovely and peaceful Golden retriever…as if they share the same character…
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
NOVA Ion 7 light XS 70-90
Size XS / 70-90
Harness Niviuk Arrow L
Weight in flight = 85 all up
The latest Nova glider I test flew was the Mentor 7 S size. This Ion 7 is the XS size that goes to 90 all up.
The Ion 7 is built on the leading edge with a mix of Dominico 30D, 41 g/m² Dominico 20DPS, 33 g/m² on the leading top surface, and on the lower surface Dominico 10D, 26 g/m².
There are some nice construction details on that Ion 7 including the new Rod Loops, that I will let you surf their website with this link for further details:
I flew that Ion 7 in multiple conditions from strong turbulent air to nice well formed thermals.
Launching the Ion 7 light shouldn’t be commented …Too easy, and too cool for a light glider without any shooting forward, hanging back, or any delays. A simple and easy way to inflate that glider.
In the air, the brake travel is slightly longer than the Ion 6, with a moderate length and very good agility with more forgiving handling. It feels that NOVA fine-tuned the brake travel to make it even more accessible to pilots coming into that category without losing any of the agility and fun feel. I could describe the Ion 7 as a sweet playful machine able to core any thermal without too much complicated attitude.
Last week, I even lend it to my Lebanese friend ‘Rabih’ that came to visit his country from Canada, after not flying for a year. He usually flew the Mentor 5 before, sometimes on weekends.
I was on a 2-liner C next to my friend Rabih, on the Ion 7 XS, with this time both on X rated 6 harnesses! Since he had few hours, this year I asked him to follow me on a small XC to maximize his flight. On that day, I was really surprised by the pace the Ion 7 delivered! As we were cruising at trim speed, Rabih was being able to stay very close in glides, and the climbs were really efficient on that Ion 7! Of course, It glides less than the 2-liner, but I’m not trying to pull away, the glide is very respectable. I was also surprised by the capability of climbing in thermals next to a 2 liner C glider. After landing I asked him how it was, and he replied that he never thought he could keep up seeing me on the 2-liner C, and he was impressed by that performance/comfort package on a low B glider. He was so excited and frustrated at the same time just because he was leaving for Canada again and not able to fly it more!
I asked him to write a few words.
His own words:
Launches were very easy, even though one tip came up asymmetrically because of my rusty preparation, the glider adjusted itself quickly with little brake got above my head. In the air, I felt it gave me all the feedback I needed while still being comfortable to fly. Transitions following you (me on a 2-liner C) were very good as I felt I was always able to follow slowly. I liked the agility and brake length. The landing was very easy for me. Thank you for the flight and for lending me that incredible glider. If I was to stay in Lebanon, I will definitely buy one, but as you know, this year also I must go back. Hugs, Rabih.
When I flew the Ion 7 in punchy dry and strong air, in our Cedars range, It felt really comfortable to fly and all the movements in the air are done at very low angles. Pushing the speed bar doesn’t seem to affect the excellent glide for that category while having moderate pressure. Indeed the newcomers to the sport are very lucky to have those new creations, that combine high passive safety with incredible usable performance!
Ears are easy to induce, they reopen quickly. Playing around with that glider is fun, as you could throw it around with nice wingovers.
Conclusion: On the Ion 7, NOVA seems to expand the usability to have a playful, efficient XC, and a fun to fly machine with high accessibility!
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
NIVIUK KLimber 3 P size 21
Please note again… that tests will always differ with other sizes. At first, if flown with seatless harnesses, or must I say a completely different harness. Also if the same sizes are flown at different loads, lighter loads will get the weakest climb but will be penalized in control in heavy air or pushing through a heavy airmass. Bigger sizes have more gliding performance and also better climb in weak conditions. In my small tests, I always state the size, the total flying weight, and afterward IMHO, the optimum weight I found in that particular glider.
NIVIUK KLimber 3 P
Glider: Klimber 3 P size 21 for a certified weight range of 73-93, and NIviuk stated its optimum weight is 84-90.
Harness used: Woody Valley X-rated 6 size XL, slightly modified to fit my taste.
Test flown at 88, and 92 all up.
Here is the new super light competition/hike and fly EN-D paraglider from NIVIUK.
After my test on the Advance Omega ULS, I will give my thoughts about the two gliders in the air.
At first, I cannot begin before I comment on the beautiful construction and details that were made on that Niviuk glider! Guys…really impressive! From the delivered light black/orange bag that holds the Klimber3 to that precise sewing of the N10 DOMINICO TEX CO that is used both on the upper and lower surface. The profile and diagonals are made from Porcher 70000 E91. It weighs less than 3.0 kg as announced! Here's the link for the details: [url][/url]
Laying it on the ground imposes gentle handling, as it has even lighter cloth than the Omega ULS. The Overall construction with the nitinol rods, and the risers, is nothing but excellent! A really beautiful piece of equipment!
The Klimber 3 rises smoothly and effortlessly without any wind. It is one of the easiest 7-aspect ratio gliders to inflate.
Flying the Klimber 3 at 92 all up, in turbulent conditions gave me a complete idea about its usability. After a few hours, I think considering the 7 aspect ratio, the Klimber 3 P is an easy EN-D to handle. Of course, it needs slightly more active pilot control than the 2 liners C’s, but still easy for a D. It resembles the Omega ULS with perhaps a little more movement inside the glider. The Kimber 3 moves slightly more in itself but is still very easy to manage.
The brake length is shorter than the Omega ULS and as agile. The pressure on the brakes is slightly firmer than the Omega ULS, but still on the moderate side. I think that pressure is perfect.
I can say that the authority given by the brakes in turbulent air is quite nice, enabling the pilot to place it accurately in tiny cores. I liked the Omega ULS turning abilities, but I can tell you that I also enjoyed very much the shorter and sharper brake authority on the Klimber 3 as the responses were immediate and quite satisfying. I’m really lucky to be able to test-fly those new light gliders.
If you have flown the Artik R, and understand how it flies in the airmass, how it moves, how it enters thermals, then you will immediately understand the Klimber 3 behavior which has the exact feel but with more than 25 % workload. NIVIUK gliders have their own flying characteristics. The Klimber 3 like the Artik R, just slows slightly before entering the thermal, but the climb is quite nice for the category. In weak, and strong air, it is quite satisfying even at 92 all up on that size. If flown at 88, it will still fly as well but slows slightly more before entering.
Please remember that those super light gliders, are built with lots of optimizations to reduce weight to let you carry the little possible and let you extract the maximum of their abilities. So don’t expect them to perform like the X one for example! But they will deliver high-end performance for that special light EN-D class especially when you push the speed bar.
The speed travel of the Klimber 3 is quite long and delivers a higher top speed than the Omega ULS. The glide at 57 km/h is quite competitive. I think I will mix and update the 2 liner C comparison and add those lights D’s inside…Just to get an idea…(soon…)
While on the speed bar, the B steering has a moderate pressure similar to the Omega ULS and is quite efficient to keep the Klimber 3 on track. Flying at 75 % of the speed bar, the Klimber 3 profile seems taught, and the speed is quite usable.
Lots of stored energy inside the glider to play around, as it is addictive! but it is better not to get used to throwing it around too much!
Ears with outer B’s are efficient, stable, and reopen quickly.
The look and the streamed line are very beautiful! the handling is sharp, precise, and joyful! It is a relatively easy 2 liner EN-D for that class of pilots. If carefully chosen, the complete package harness and glider, Vario, phone, helmet, water, and chocolate…will not exceed 7.5 kg! A blessing of perfection, if you can fit in your weight!
If you can…exciting moments await! Happy flights :-)