This is an Ukrainian manufacturer. My first SKY COUNTRY glider ! The size 26(90-110) got the EN –C certification !!!
I have heard also that Alain Zoller ,the manager and tester of PARATESTS EN certification, has purchased a MYSTIC 2 for his flying pleasure, I had the curiosity to get one to test fly…
Opening the glider showed a very well finished work. Very neat. The lines are a combination of Vectran lines and Dyneema. The cloth is made from Porcher.
Kiting the glider felt pretty easy for this 6.5 flat aspect ratio glider. It gives you already a nice feel.
Once in the air the glider inspire confidence, dampened enough trough the bumps, it give you a smooth ride. If you have flown a TRANGO 3, you will have that exact feeling of comfort with of course a much better climb and glide..
The handling however puzzled me…It was very agile when coring the thermals. I never would expect a 6.5 AR to turn that way. Even better than the VENUS 2 .I liked it very much.
When the thermals get stronger, the agility is increased! Very good !
RATE for agility: 9/10 !
The pressure of the brakes is medium .It feels like the Venus 2 Small. The brake travel is similar to the ARTIC 2.
Precision of the brakes at 97 kg all up is ok. I was hoping for better. RATE for precision: 8/10
Glide in calm air is very good .Not better than VENUS 2, but very close. Maybe 9.5
This glider is very efficient in weak climb.
Conclusion: The MYSTIC 2 is intended for EN-D pilots .But it got a C on the size 26!.I believe that it is a very docile wing to fly. So If you are not looking for the most performant glider in the EN-D class ,but a very close one with the pleasure and comfort in the air +a very good climber when the conditions weakened. That 's the glider to test fly.
I would like to read an Advance Sigma 7 review.
Hello Ziad, nice tests, have you tried an Usport? If yes, can you compare it to the boomsport I'm flying for 3 years.
Hello Christian,
Thank you.I am testing the USPORT FR 24.5 at the moment.I'll write a review in a week propably.
Thanks a lot, I will wait eagerly for it.
A bientΓ΄t.
What do you mean with: "Precision of the brakes" ? can you, please, explain?
Tkx in advance,
Sorry for the late reply...
It means that when you pull you get the turn immediately,even in turbulent conditions.
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